Cannot share files with SnowLeopard Server on Parallels and Maverick

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by jbell, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    New machine with SnowLeopard Server on Parallels. Cannot share files. Cannot drag and drop. Any ideas?

    Each time the server is started there is an error message that says Parallel tools is not installed. Had support install it for me and continue to get that error. Any ideas?

    Thank you.
  2. Looran@Parallels

    Looran@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi jbell,

    Please follow the steps below to install Parallels Tools:

    1. Mount the prl-tools-mac.iso image following this link:
    2. The prl-tools-mac.iso image can be found in the following location on your Mac: "<username>/Applications/Parallels Desktop/Contents/Resources/Tools."
    3. Start the OS X Virtual Machine.
    4. When OS X boots up, choose Virtual Machine > Install Parallels Tools and follow the onscreen instructions.

  3. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    Are you telling me that I will need to make a disk in order to use this iso image?

    Are you telling me that after I follow these steps, I will be able to drag and drop?
  4. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    There is no iso image at this link. Did you mean another link?
  5. dmixer

    dmixer Bit poster

    Hi Looren,

    I had the same problem as iBell, I did what you suggested (installed the Parallels Tools and restart it), but still not working (i got a message on the lower left window bar and ask to reinstall the Parallels Tools, in fact every time it stated it was installed successfully).
    I can use the OSX server SnowLeopard under parallel very well, no problem at all. BUT just can't drag and drop files between 2 OSX.
    In fact, i can drag and drop files between in Window 7.

    Please help !!! lll.jpg

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
  6. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    Thanks for your comment dmixer. I was hoping someone else has this problem so we perhaps get some action on it.

    I am still unable to get Parallel tools to load properly.

  7. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    The parallel tools error went away with the new upgrade. My main problem still exists. I am not able to share files between my snow leopard virtual machine and my macbook.

    I cannot even see the disk for the macbook in the snow leopard VM. What is happening here?
  8. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  9. jbell

    jbell Junior Member

    I am running the latest version according to the Parallels software update: Build 9.0.24229
    (Revision 991745; Tuesday, April 1, 2014)

    IMPORTANT: I am again getting the message "Parallels tools are not installed" Although that was gone in the last build. It has reappeared. I have reloaded this ad naseum.

    When I am in VM/Configure/Options/ the only options are:

    1. Pull down menu for options a) None b) Home file only or c) all disks (here All disks is selected) All permissions are set to read and write under Custom folders.
    2. A custom folder button that allows a selection of any file you wish (I select documents on my Mavericks OS)
    3. A check box to smart mount: Map mac volumes to virtual machine. (checked)

    I do not see your reference to "> Sharing and enabled Shared profile." anywhere. Even if I shut down and restart the machine.

    Still no ability to drag and drop from Mavericks to Snow Leopard.

    Note: There is no Install Parallels Tools option from the VM menu at this time.
  10. ffffff

    ffffff Bit poster

    A am also not able to file share between Mavericks and Snow Leopard Server.

    - newest build of Parallels (Build 9.0.24229, Revision 991745; Tuesday, April 1, 2014)
    - Snow Leopard Server installed (disk newly purchased from Apple). Installation went without a hitch.
    - Parallels Tools installed (I have not had the problems others have had with the tools that "jbell" has had)
    - I am not able to share drives or files from Mavericks or Snow Leopard Server. My configuration is in accordance with Maheeshwar' instructions
    - Note: I AM able to cut/paste text between Mavericks and Snow Leopard Server
    - I am quite familiar with all of this, as I have run Windows 95 and Windows 7 for years
  11. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support


    Sharing feature can be used if you have Windows Guest OS.

    It is not possible to share the files and folders if both the Host and the Guest OS are Mac OS X

    EMCCLLC Bit poster

    "It is not possible to share the files and folders if both the Host and the Guest OS are Mac OS X."

    I can confirm this but and there is another important issue that must be known - Transferring files across a Snow Leopard Server VM to ML-host network appears to corrupt files.

    In my case, I had no troubles when I set up a SLS-VM under Parallels 8. There was obviously no share folder as in other VMs so I networked the SLS client to access a dedicated folder on the host running Mountain Lion 10.8.2. That appeared to work well except that after a few days it became apparent that files in the shared folder were being corrupted even if they were not accessed from the SLS-VM. For instance, I had Adobe Acrobat .pdf files that were no longer recognized as .pdf even when I tried to open them from within Acrobat. The same applied to MS Excel files even when opened from within MS Excel or LibreOffice. I worked with Parallels tech support until we confirmed that Parallels will not support a dedicated share file that can be accessed from the SLS-VM and ML-host at the same time.

    This is my first in-depth experience with Parallels. I had tried Parallels 6 but it was not ready for primetime, at least for my purposes. I have been using Sheepshaver (SS) to run MacOS Classic for years. SS utilizes a "shared folder" to transfer files between the client and host. I often have the shared folder open in both environments and any changes (additions or deletions) are immediate. Based on this approach, I am currently utilizing the following workaround:
    1) I set up a shared folder (named "Current_Project") on my ML-host.
    2) Then I mirrored the shared folder on a USB flash drive. Actually, I copy the entire folder to the flash drive and vice-versa.
    3) The flash drive can be directly accessed by the SLS-VM and the ML-host but NOT at the same time.
    4) Initially, I was physically ejecting the flash drive to move it from The VM to the Host, no problems there; but then I found that it could also be done virtually, without physically removing and installing the drive by using the "Devices" menu in Parallels.
    This works but it is a cumbersome PITA. Despite the inconvenience, I can transfer and work on files in both environments without corruption.

    Hopefully, Parallels will address this issue in a future build (If they can do it for a Windows client, it shouldn't be too hard to do the same for a MacOSX client).
  13. ncmphoto

    ncmphoto Bit poster

    I use Dropbox to bring files over to the virtual OS from the host Mavericks installation. Awkward, but it works.

    On the other hand I can open files from my Mavericks installation in SLS/Parallels by using the Shared Folder on the SLS window desktop. After changing the Configure to share all disks, all of my Mavericks Home folder files show up and can be accessed.

    EMCCLLC Bit poster

    I was tempted to do that but I am afraid of trying it because of the file corruption I observed over the network connection. Any file corruption or accessibility problems?
  15. ncmphoto

    ncmphoto Bit poster

    I haven't found any problems so far, but I haven't worked much yet with the virtual SLS.

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