Can't install OSX ML Guest under ML

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by PeterDa, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. PeterDa

    PeterDa Bit poster

    Hallo Parallels Community,

    this is my first message here. I have the following problem:

    Using an up-to-date version of Parallels 8 under OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.5 I would like to install a clean Mountain Lion VM. I tried by using a DMG file and a DVD both bootable made from the AppStore Download (and working since I installed Mountain Lion on my Mac with the USB stick the DMG file and the DVD come from) and set the VM to 4GB RAM/128 MB Grafic RAM/2 CPUs. When the VM starts to boot it says no operating system installed. I set the boot sequence of the VM to manual but when I press ESC in the boot process it says again no opeating system installed. Inserting the DVD after starting the VM doesn't help since Parallels seems to unmount the DVD in the boot process.

    Any ideas or help?

    Thanks for the support


  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    128 video memory is too little, give it at least 256.
  3. PeterDa

    PeterDa Bit poster

    Thanks for the quick reply, but setting the video memeroy doesn't help. The VM won't boot but complain that there is no operating system.

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