Parallels 9 "Human Interface Devices" constant device disconnect/rediscovery

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MrT0ad, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Priller

    Priller Bit poster

    Similar issues.

    + Mouse is constantly unresponsive (essentially unusable).
    + Constant system beeps (had to turn speakers off).

    Mac 10.8.4 and Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.

    Report ID: 28096961
  2. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Downgraded to 8. All is working again. Wish I did not buy the upgrade but hopefully they will fix it soon.
  3. Fafaxx

    Fafaxx Bit poster

    same here - iMac 27" late 2012. Reinstalled Parallels tools removed USB controller. No luck so far. Submitted a support ticket. Cheers Edy
  4. Priller

    Priller Bit poster

    I have my v8 installer and license key. If I revert back to 8, are there any license issues upgrading again to v9? Meaning, will it look like I'm trying to install the license on multiple machines and it won't reactivate?

    I can't go another day like this. :(
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  5. GabrielV

    GabrielV Junior Member

    Also having this issue. I disabled web cam and bluetooth devices but not USB 3.0. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit image. MBP Retina 2012 running OS 10.8.4. Problem report ID 28097754.
  6. we were able to reproduce the problem locally in our lab.

    The following boot flag helps us to avoid this issue and at least for one customer coming through support chain: devices.usb.ehc=0

    The flag should be set in Virtual Machine -> Configuration -> Hardware -> Boot Order -> Boot flags

    We are working hard on the issue right now. Sorry for inconvenience and thank you for patience.
  7. pommis

    pommis Member

    I have logitech usb g930 wireless headset and its connecting and disconnecting constantly.Mice doesn't work in games at all "very non-responsive"works and then starts lagging.The smartMouse option from pd8 is missing that seemed to work fine and there was no problem in games.Mouse pointer no sticks at window edges and the option to disable that doesn't work.
  8. GabrielV

    GabrielV Junior Member

    What is the purpose of setting this flag? Will it disable the use of certain USB devices?
  9. GabrielV

    GabrielV Junior Member

    This boot flag seems to work for me as well. However, would like to know what I'm losing by setting it.
  10. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    This flag worked for me. Just reinstalled 9 and then put this flag on. We will see how it goes from here.

  11. it disables USB2.0 controller keeping USB3.0 and USB1.0 active. This workaround is terrible, but could save you for a couple of days until we invent a cure. The flag should be removed manually after switching to coming update.
  12. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Thanks for telling us what it does! Please keep us in the loop on the fix. Parallels has not always been forthcoming with information and as a customer it really hurts your brand in my mind.

  13. MrT0ad

    MrT0ad Bit poster

    I upgraded parallels 9 on my rMBP 13 (ML 10.8.4/Win7 x64 bootcamp partition) too and the bug arises here as well.

    Tried the workaround and it did away with it with the caveats mentioned.

    Reverting to v8 until this very peculiar kink is ironed out.
  14. Techieman75

    Techieman75 Bit poster

    This resolved the issue for me as well, I think it's hilarious that support said "Since Parallels Desktop 9 is a latest version. So its still underdevelopment, the code i entered is for parallels tools." so what we are not paying for "developmental" software? Find it hard to believe that this was not reviled during beta. It's a poor workaround though.
  15. JDThird

    JDThird Bit poster

    Up until I installed the final version 9 this morning, I was running the beta, since I was part of that program. None of the beta builds exhibited this behavior. For me they were working just about flawlessly until I upgraded from the last beta version to the release version.

    Glad they found it and are already working on a permanent fix though.
  16. Jon Donshik

    Jon Donshik Member

    Guys, FWIW I was a beta tester. Did not have this problem until today's build was released. I downgraded to my last beta build and everything works fine again.
  17. ReginaldO

    ReginaldO Bit poster

    I upgraded this morning and opened a support incident about this as well (level 1 and 2 support incident # 1712754). One thing to note is that this issue is NOT tools related as I can reproduce the problem with and without the tools. What does appear to be related is that the issue is only happening on existing VM's and not newly created VMs. I have two Windows 8 existing VM's that all have the issue. As a test, I created a new Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 VM under Parallels 9. Neither of the two VM's exhibit the behavior. All 4 VM's show the exact same hardware. I haven't gone through all of the driver-based Windows updates yet, but I'm willing to bet that there may be some Windows update that is conflicting with the VMs. That is the only thing that I can think of that would cause the issue on existing VM's but not newly created ones.
  18. lukejr

    lukejr Bit poster

    Same issue here. Adding the flag as outlined stops my virtual machine from loading. After my Virtual Machine failed to load, I couldn't quit Parallels and had to force quit, then I was able to edit the configuration and remove the boot flag recommended fix, so I am back to square one. I would advise against that recommendation mentioned here.

    I have my Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit) installed on a USB3 external hard drive. When can we expect a fix? Currently considering rolling back to version 8 as need to do work on this system tomorrow.

    Mac mini (2013) 2.5 GHz Core i5 16GB RAM on Mac OS 10.8.4
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  19. bohannjn

    bohannjn Bit poster

    Ditto for me.

    Trackpad and mouse disconnects every 15 seconds and reconnects. Between the constant sounds and the trackpad being intermittent I reverted back to Parallels 8 until this is resolved. This is a Windows 8 boot camp VM that works perfectly under Parallels Desktop 8. Feel like I just paid to become a beta tester.
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