Parallels 8 upgrade on Windows 7 - NO SOUND in windows now (no audio device installed

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MichaelByrns, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Have you tried to play with the Sound settings at Virtual Machine > Configure > Hardware > Sound ?
  2. copcast

    copcast Bit poster

    Yes I have tried that.
  3. kasmasp

    kasmasp Bit poster

    Let me begin by saying that PD8 has way too many issue.. hence downgrading to PD7.

    As to solution for audio disabled, this will work for sure.

    Go to your device manager, find the parallels audio driver. Uninstall it, do not check the box. Then windows will automatically find and install the driver. This has worked for me and probably will for everyone else.

    I usually don't post in forums but this issue had me going.. I was extremely annoyed. Anyways, I hope this solves your issue.

    As to PD8..too buggy..should not have been released. Specially the coherence mode.
  4. copcast

    copcast Bit poster

    I think I have solved my problem. I know "what" the solution is but I don't know "why". I was using a stereo (two black rings) 1/4" plug to 1/8" cable in the sound out of the preamp. The 1/8" plugged into the iMic and the iMic converted it to usb. For some reason, if I use a mono (one black ring) 1/4" plug to 1/8" cable, both the iMic and the line in work.

    What I don't understand is the stereo (two black rings) 1/4" plug to 1/8" cable worked on the Mac side to record in Garageband etc. and it used to work with the Parallels Desktop 7 and Windows XP. It stopped working on the Windows side when I upgraded to Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7.

    This is one for your advanced tech support team to figure out. I am just happy to have the solution. I have also spent a bunch of hours to solving this problem.

    I may give your driver solution a whirl to see if that works.
  5. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Can I have a problem report please?
  6. copcast

    copcast Bit poster

    Already reported and I solved it sort of prolem#1570041.
  7. TerryB2000

    TerryB2000 Bit poster

    Same Issue

    I built a new Mac up with windows 7 and P8. I get no sound in the Win 7 machine.
  8. copcast

    copcast Bit poster

    Try uninstalling the Parallels Desktop Tool from Control Panel->Program and Features (or equivalent location).
    After removal of the PD Tool, reinstall it from the virtual machine drop menu->Install Parallels Desktop Tools.
  9. TerryB2000

    TerryB2000 Bit poster


    That worked. Thank you so much
  10. ionblue

    ionblue Member

    New Win 7 install - no sound

    I just did a new install of Win 7 and have no sound. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the tools twice and still nothing.

    Also, the device doesn't show up in the device manager so I can't even try the other workaround noted above.

    So annoying.
  11. ionblue

    ionblue Member

    And now I have audio! I ended up removing tools again, shut down the VM, remove the Sound device from the Configurator, added it back in again and chose (built-in output). Restarted, reinstalled tools, and now I have sound. Nice.
  12. Gombat

    Gombat Bit poster

    Thank you!

    Thank you, kasmasp! After trying a whole bunch of stuff, your solution finally worked. By the way, agree with you. After trying PD8 for 3 months and getting nothing but weird stuff happening (like, cursor does not "stick" when I click on something, background windows stays in background when I click on it), I'm back to PD7 for awhile.

  13. AkivaP

    AkivaP Bit poster

    I have been using Parallels since version 4 and it has continually made improvements, though often minor. I put off upgrading from 7 to 8 because I tried the Beta version and had so many problems with it, gave up after 2 days. Recently, however, I read some good reviews and felt the bugs had been worked out and upgraded. I have had so many problems since that I feel that the Win7 install must have a virus, but the scanners revealed nothing. One of the least annoying things is my sound has disappeared. I have done everything suggested in this thread, including uninstalling and reinstalling Parallel Tools, deleting the device from device manager, etc. I even reinstalled Parallels Desktop. Still no sound. I would revert back to 7 but read here that the problem existed there as well. Has anyone found any other solutions to this problem. I was surprised to find as many people with this problem as I did. I certainly think it is worthy of note for the Parallels' technicians.
  14. LeandroM

    LeandroM Bit poster

    Ladies and gentlemen, I was naive enough to purchase the copy of Parallels 8 just yesterday before bumping into these comments that would actually have stopped me.

    It wont be surprise to you: there is No SOUND.

    I have read the instructions some of you wrote here, but I could not even find the places you were mentioning to uninstall things. I dont know whether you are talking about devices on my Mac world on on the Windows world. I am not an IT person.

    But I was hoping someone could still help me.

    Any detailed suggestions that could help me make my training sound work?

    Thank you.

  15. JGarrido

    JGarrido Bit poster

    Thanks, that did the trick!
  16. Milgram

    Milgram Bit poster

    This also worked for me. Thanks! Whew, what a pain.

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