Automatically configuration of Boot Camp VM never finishes

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by AshaiM, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. AshaiM

    AshaiM Bit poster

    Automatically configuration of Boot Camp VM (Windows 8 Release Preview)never finishes

    I just installed the latest Release Preview of Windows 8 on my Mid 2012 non-retina MBP via Bootcamp.
    In Parallels 7 (Build 7.0.15098) it hangs in the automatic configuration at around 20% and never finishes.
    When I switch to manual configuration I see the VM is trying to automatically repair itself and then crashes.

    What can I do about this?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2012
  2. TroutDeep

    TroutDeep Junior Member

    I'm not certain, but I would guess that it's an issue with Ivy Bridge CPUs and certain guest OSs (Windows 8 Preview, some Linux distros / versions, etc.) Parallels is aware of the issue, and they're working on it.
  3. Foovanadil

    Foovanadil Bit poster

    I am having the same problem. I have Windows 8 running under Bootcamp fine but can't get parallels to use this as a VM. This doesn't seem to be isolated to just parallels. VMWare Fusion crashes as well when trying to prep the bootcamp partition.

    I had very limited success with using Virtual Box. I can actually run the bootcamp partition as a VirtualBox VM but it is very sluggish and randomly locks up. Not really useable but more promising than parallels or vmware.

    If anybody has any updates on when this will be fixed that would be awesome.

    This is on a retina MBP.
  4. abacus0101

    abacus0101 Bit poster

    I also have a macbook pro retina...created bootcamp fine..with window 8 great..then opened parallels and chose bootcamp for the creation of a virtual machine..progress bar gets to about 20 per cent to the B in Upgrading My Boot Camp(the B in Boot) and then sits there for 2 hours..funny thing is activity monitor shows its still running...not seeing not responding in force quit...Please is someone has a fix or parallels ever figures out whats going it...
  5. Foovanadil

    Foovanadil Bit poster

    Abacus I have the exact same experience as you. A word of caution. I let my "preparing" step run over night, eventually I get the Windows 8 "You computer failed to load" error screen. Now when I try to boot into my bootcamp partition natively it fails to start and trys to do a repair step. This seems to just hang. So now it seems that my bootcamp partition might be broken as well (this seems a bit unlikely thought but I have yet to get it to start)

    Really looking for a fix from Parallels on this.
  6. Foovanadil

    Foovanadil Bit poster

    Just noticed an update from parallels that states:

    Run Windows 8, Ubuntu, and Fedora on the latest models of Mac computers (MacBook Air (mid 2012), MacBook Pro (mid 2012) , MacBook Pro with Retina display).

    Downloading now. Hopefully this fixes the issues. If so, then rock on parallels team
  7. Foovanadil

    Foovanadil Bit poster

    So the newest update to Parallels does seem to fix the issue with using a Windows 8 boot camp partiton as a VM. You get a warning about it not being a supported OS and in my case it still blue screened during the initial preparing step. I had to forcefully reset the VM (From the Virtual Machine menu hit Reset)

    That triggered the preparing step to start again and the second time it got through to the end and started my VM. I was able to install the VM tools without an issue, when I rebooted after the tools install I got the preparing VM step showing again for a few seconds but then it booted right into my VM. Now it all seems to be working fine.

    This is all on Lion.

    I am installing Mountain Lion right now so hopefully that doesn't break it all.

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