Import and export of VM's (or *.hdd) in OVF format

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ingo, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. ingo

    ingo Member

    I checked with Parallels-transporter and sadly found that this is a "one-way tool".

    It does allow to import VM's created under VBox, but it does not allow for exporting in any other than Parallels proprietary format.

    Is there any way to export a VM into preferably the Open Virtualization Format (OVF). Or at least export the disks in VMDK format, or read out a virtual disk (i.e. by mounting it under Linux) with means of the host?

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  2. Salamat

    Salamat Member

  3. ingo

    ingo Member

    Many thanks Salamat,

    this way is nice for Windowd guests, but what with others like OS/2, Linux, ..?

    Ok, the weary way for any OS of course is to boot from a CD into the VM and copy all necessary data and partitions to a network resource and restore it into a VBox disk. I'd whish Parallels itself would offer a way/tool to export a disk from their proprietary fprmat into an "open format".

  4. Rishi Chopra

    Rishi Chopra Junior Member

  5. beta_jlockhar

    beta_jlockhar Bit poster

    Bump here too...

    Anyone? Anyone? Still looking for info on this...
  6. chrisvire

    chrisvire Bit poster

    Any Update

    Parallels, could you please reply as to when you will support OVF (and OVA)?
  7. ABR

    ABR Bit poster

    +1 -- yes please do
  8. Rishi Chopra

    Rishi Chopra Junior Member

    When I asked Parallels (by way of a support ticket, in February 2012) I was told "we are really sorry but currently Parallels does not support open Virtualization format" and referred to the User's Guide for the current version at the time (Parallels Desktop 7) but of course things could change in the future...
  9. ClintonC

    ClintonC Bit poster

    This is absurd. Uninstalling parallels...
  10. Binaryspiral

    Binaryspiral Bit poster

    Absurd is an understatement. Are you kidding me that I can't export from Parallels into an open format?!

    I'm ashamed I paid to be locked into a proprietary format...
  11. Binaryspiral

    Binaryspiral Bit poster

    I'm not positive but I think VMware converter can convert the VM back into a VMware file vmx / vmdk.

    The lack of native exporting is lazy at best or dubious practice of locking customers into a proprietary format at worst.
  12. FirstL1

    FirstL1 Bit poster

    Wow. Been on fusion since v1.0. Happy with stability and compatibility with ESX-based hosts so stayed until 6.0 Looking to move to 8.0 but came to try Parallels...

    Strike 1: No offline installation. Cannot run Parallels (even the trial, duh?) without activation...
    Strike 2: Can't run the first Guest I want to run because it still does not support open virtualizaton format (!)

    Sorry Parallels; you're marketeers have wasted too much of my time. You are not Microsoft.
    (And what are your CX experts doing: You should be trying to provide a better onboarding experience than vmware. It took me ages to get Parallels installation wizard, and ultimately fail.

    I just installed from the Fusion 8.0.dmg in seconds, agreed to a 30 day trial (yours is 14) without being online and imported the Guest before I finished editing this post.)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  13. ThurstonJ

    ThurstonJ Bit poster

    I'm still on Parallels 10, and was considering the upgrade to 11. I love Parallels but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to jump ship as well unless there is OVF support somewhere that I'm not seeing. Sometimes, I simply have to give VM's I've made to other people who don't have Parallels, especially the Linux users in my business which outnumber all others. If it doesn't exist, it's simply due to restraint of trade, and I don't want to do business with a company that intentionally harms me, no matter how good the product.

    Please reconsider, although I've been around long enough to know that big companies never do. They will ride avarice into bankruptcy before every changing a thing. The human ego is the only thing that eclipses human greed.

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