Hi Everyone, For some reason, when I go to Crystal View, Parallels crashes completely and I have to restart it. Anyone else having that problem. P.S. Next time, please remind me to read the Forums before I update anything!
Hey, I've just installed Parallels Desktop 5 and I have exactly the same problem. Windows XP guest running on 10.6.1. When I switch to Crystal mode, the info screen advising what can be accessed in the dock and menu bar shows up, beachballs, then Parallels GUI crashes. The VM itself continues to run in the background with no way to access it unless the GUI is relaunched. A little help would be appreciated here. Thanks
I'm having the exact same problem and I see there's a couple other topics here where people are having this issue but they all have only 1 post and nobody following it up. I have a Windows XP guest running on 10.6.1. Upon switching to Crystal mode, the explanation thing shows up on the centre of the screen, then the Parallels GUI beachballs and quits. After that, there's no way to access the VM unless the GUI is relaunched, although the VM itself is still running in the background. I've tried uninstalling Parallels 5 and reinstalling it, but the problem persists. Any help or even a response here would be appreciated...
This is causing massive problems for me too. I really want to test this feature before my trial runs out. Parallels team can we have an update soon?
Same Issue here it crashes still works in the background i even installed a fresh VM cuz migrating from Windows 7 beta 2 didn't go so well, i hear a disconnect sound and it crashes away as soon i choose crystal mode Mac OSX SL 10.6.1 IMAC Core 2 Duo 2.66 4Gb Mem Also tried all options related to Crystal mode all other modes works without problems and very smooth.
crystal too fragile ditto that, same here, feature is rendered useless due to this bug, I tried turning any preference I could find related to Crystal and try turning them on and off to no avail. Would love to check this feature out...
I've installed a fresh Windows 7 VM and the problem occurs on that as well. Will probably try deleting Parallels Preference files when I have the time and see if that does anything. Apart from that, I've got no idea.
Please, provide a problem report - it contains valuable information that we can investigate. To make a problem report: run Parallels Desktop, in menubar Help -> Report a Problem... Don't forget to post problem report number here.
Sended 2 reports today One ID 776778 and the other sorry forgot the number but it was just minutes later all error logs are turning to Crystal crashes
Hi, Could you check if VoiceOver is Off in the System Preferences and if it is On check it Off before switching to Crystal. Please write here about the result. Thank you, Alexnader
I just issued a report, ID 786272. I've verified that VoiceOver is turned off. When I attempt to switch to crystal view the software appears to save the state of the machine as if I chose to suspend it, briefly puts up the crystal info display and then crashes with no error dialog. Launching again puts the system into window mode running at the point where I tried to switch to Crystal view.
I have turned off all VoiceOver and all Spoken commands, tried starting a VM, and launching into Crystal mode, but same result, Parallels crashes
good idea to check system preferences. It wasn't VoiceOver but "Enable Access for Assistive Devices." Turn that off and Crystal works. But I do need that on.
Well, I have installed today 10.6.2 and Crystal seems to work more people experiencing this? For some reason it works now Any one tested this after the 10.6.2 update it keeps working without problems now after 2 days still working on Crystal mode even with "Enable Access for Assistive Devices" on.
Same Issue 10.6.2. all updated Parallels 5. all updated All Assistive stuff turned off Switching to Crystal give me the information window. As soon as I try to click 'do not show again' it disappears along with the Parallels icon in the menu bar and I have to re-launch the application to get back to the virtual machine (still running in some dark corner of my machine). Nobody got any suggestions yet? Gavin
I have found and reproduced the crystal bug on my machine, i have installed Witch(Windows Switcher) what is a nice replacement for expose cmd+tab after the SL update to 10.6.2 it was disabled and Crystal was working fine when i enabled witch crystal mode crashes i can reproduce the error here. Hope this can help others.
Juan Manuel, Thanks for this. I haven't got Witch or anything similar installed, so I'm afraid it doesn't solve my problem, but hopefully it will help others on this forum. Gavin