VC++ Compiling Speed

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by NelsonT, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. NelsonT

    NelsonT Bit poster

    Hi All,

    Does anybody suffer the compiling speed of VC2005 in Parallel Win XP guest OS??

    i have 2 almost same configuration of laptops (2gb in PC, 4 gb in Mac) to compile same program wrote in C++ which is heavy using template. The compiling time in native Win XP is around 14 minutes, but it takes almost 80 minutes in Parallel guest OS...

    This is really a pain for me to use Parallel guest OS in Win XP to develop my C++ program. Just wondering anybody had ever got this kind of experience and do we have any solution to improve this?

    Much Thanks for any opinion,
    p.s. i config 2GB memory and using 7200rpm HD in my guest Win XP, and during compiling, i don't see any high CPU time......
  2. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro


    First of all - what exact version of Parallels virtualization product are you using? From your description i can assume you're using one of Parallels Desktop for Mac flavors, but i'm not use as you can be running Bootcamp and Parallels Desktop for Windows & Linux.

    This particular forum is on Parallels Desktop for Windows and Linux discussions.

    In any case, some additional information will be required to answer your question -
    1) Exact version of software and problem report (Help -> Report a problem)
    2) More details on VM configuration (number of VPUs, device configuration used)
    3) More details on Guest configuration (do you have anything 'special' installed - antivirus would be a good example)

    At the high level, such huge overhead of guest compared to host is not normal.
    I would expect ~20-40% virtualization overhead for project compilation on current hardware in the worst case.

  3. NelsonT

    NelsonT Bit poster

    Hi Max,

    Sorry for the late reply, just go back from a business trip.

    Yes, you're right, i am using Parallels Desktop 4.0 on Mac OS 10.5, the exactly version is:
    Build 4.0.3846 (August 29, 2009), i suspect this is the latest version...

    And before this post, i had using "Help -> Report a Problem" twice, but get no response, if you need....
    i just did this again and the problem ID is: 623775, probably you can get more detail info there.

    By the way, i try to turn off the Anti-Virus when i did the compiling, but seems no benefit there.

  4. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro


    Problem report is not a support ticket - we're analyzing them to reveal generic problems, but rarely contact people based on that report. I'd suggest you to open support ticket to try to resolve the issue with one of our support engineers.

    Some brief thoughts based on your system.log:

    1) a very huge number of lines like:
    [0x0-0x26026].com.adiumX.adiumX[267]: (process:267): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_convert: assertion `str != NULL' failed
    [0x0-0x26026].com.adiumX.adiumX[267]: (process:267): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_convert: assertion `str != NULL' failed
    [0x0-0x26026].com.adiumX.adiumX[267]: (process:267): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_convert: assertion `str != NULL' failed

    It makes me think like it could cause some troubles in the background.

    2) You're allocating 2560MB of memory to your virtual machine:
    I'd recommend you to try to lower that amount, leaving more memory to the Mac OS X.
    Parallels Desktop relies on Mac OS X filesystem to perform I/O operations, leaving more memory to it may help. Try 1024MB and see if it makes situation better.


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