1) Should I try to compact the original .pvm with image tool once I've removed that section and then do a compress? Or do you reckon it's only necessary to do a compress on the original .pvm? What's the difference between the two? 2) Bummer! So only option is to try not to fill up the virtual hdd too much...
I don't like the way you say "you can try both". Is one or the otehr fovoured or is a combination more ideal? Can you please try to answer my original questions "in full". Also why are only your answers to my posts appearing? Can you not do that, it makes it hard for me to keep track of things. There's several other things I'm doing atm, not just this. cheers
It depends at your decision, if you want more speed then space, avoid Compressor, or vice verse use Compressor Decision is up to you, I only describe what is behind
There are many questions you're no answering for some reason... I'm not sure if you're being deliberately terse or if you're busy, regardless please try to be more thorough. If you answer everything the 1st time, I won't have to keep coming back with the same questions! Cheers, Jed
look at the thread http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=32442 when is the last time you see me replying? If I could attatched a screenshot I would...
What questions are unanswered, Please clarify Please note in case of Compression you need to decide yourself, what is necessary speed or space, If you have any questions, please post
Hm, please wait a bit, system will show your posts soon, mean while , if you have questions please post, I am recieving all emails
I cannot review this because for some reason my posts are not appearing! So should I do one or the other, is it pointless doing both? You still haven't really explained their differences....
Ah I see, so the emails are being delivered to you in a timely manner but the forum is yet to catch-up!? Never have understood why it takes so long for posts to appear on this forum....
When you use Compressor it slowdown VM a bit as it applies ntfs compression The point here, you need to decide do you need more space, and allow VM to be slower, or let some space be wasted, but has normal speed, I am not able to suggest you exact solution, as your situation may be different from mine (I am not using Windows) and if I would for games, I didn't compress, if for office I did If this ok for answer, let me know, if you still have questions , I am note sure what exactly do you want to know, please elaborate in this case
What exactly is each tool doing? Is compressor simply using window's built-in compression mechanism? If so I don't need this tool... The space used on the virtual volume is already small enough when booted into the VM. Only 9.65GB out of 48.9GB is being used! What does compactor do? Does it address the excess space a .pvm bundles takes up compared to the actual space used on a virtual volume? e.g. Windows says the space used is 9.65GB, but the .pvm uses 19.65gb (20.28GB when booted) and the .hdd uses 19.65gb! Is this what compactor cleans up? If so I'll edit that file you suggested and try compacting once again using the original .pvm. I'm not asking you to suggest a solution, I just need enough info so I can make an 'informed ' decision.
Parallels Compressor is not simply using ntfs compression, we defragment disk, and zero feel it, and call Compact operation in pvm increase case I think following: 1. probably your old VM (v3) backup is inside a bundle - check for folder with (backup) in name 2. How many hds you have inside bundle
1) No none of the two .pvm's I have were converted from PD3 VM's "Boot Camp (XP Pro).pvm" is for a bootcamp partition... "ITS_Laptop.pvm" is a laptop environment which I created using transporter. The latter is the one we've been talking about (obviously). 2) Inside "ITS_Laptop.pvm" is harddisk.hdd*, inside harddisk.hdd is: DiskDescriptor.xml DiskDescriptor.xml.Temp harddisk.hdd (Zero kb) harddisk.hdd.0.{5fbaabe3-6958-40ff-92a7-860e329aab41}.hds (19.65gb) *I can tell you what else if you want?
what I can suggest now Use Compressor , later you can undo ntfs compression I suppose if there are problems, create ticket in support